
Look here for – Topics for internship, lab rotation, and thesis research.

Hi! Some information about me:

For more information see:

For publications see:

My name is Helmer, a rather unique name ?
Contact information
Some extra info.:
Websites – profile pages from Radboud University:
Nederlands: https://www.ru.nl/personen/strik-w

English: https://www.ru.nl/english/people/strik-w

Personal websites:
My current website is :

I’m now creating a new website :
https://helmer-strik.nl/ [under construction]

Temporarily webpages:
https://helmer-strik.wordpress.com/contact/ [under construction]
, and
Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nssNFY4b7u7_8L4GR8zBq6SA9hmiekx5_Q2xQCJ_sRk/
